There is Greatness Within You

“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness,” Zig Ziglar


Do you want to step into your GREATNESS…the greatness that is already inside of you?  Of course, you do, but where do you start?  You have already been equipped with the gifts and talents within you to do great things…we just need to unpack them during our lifetime and let them come to fruition. It is not a popularity contest or a competition with others, but a competition with yourself to do better than yesterday’s version of you. You start with the seed….the what?  You have seeds of greatness within you.  Just like an apple has seeds within the core to serve a purpose, we have seeds (gifts, talents, wisdom, life lessons) of GREATNESS that serve a purpose within us. What is so amazing about the seeds of greatness in you is that they are not dependent on your past, your genealogy, or the opinion of others.  


When we dwell on the mistakes of the past, on fear, and doubt… it robs us of growing emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.  It is like the weeds in our garden, they seem to appear overnight trying to take over the flowers and other plants.  Weeds are like the past showing up or the nay-sayers that show up. Don’t water and nurture the negativity and self-limiting beliefs, instead, water the good in your life.  Stop feeding the negative story or narrative in your mindset.  Be counseled and healed from it, and then move into your DESTINY. Use that same energy in your seeds of GREATNESS. Imagine what you will accomplish, and imagine the peace in your mind. So I ask you, how long will you feed your history? How long are you going to put energy into something that's taking you in the wrong direction?

FUN FACTS:  The average apple tree produces about 300 apples in a growing season. Let’s say that the average apple contains 5 apple seeds. So all things being equal, one apple tree will produce about 1,500 seeds per season.

Those 1,500 seeds will then potentially produce 450,000 apples, and another 2,250,000 seeds. Those 2,250,000 seeds will then produce…I think you get the picture.  The point is that even though it’s very easy to count the 1-10 seeds in an apple, it’s impossible to count how many apples will be produced from just ONE APPLE SEED. The amount is staggering and impossible to predict.  The seeds of GREATNESS within you is staggering…don’t despise small beginnings or take grand opportunities for granted.  They all play a part in your life.


To step into your greatness, there are some simple things you can do every day to see the results in your life and accelerate your passion, mindset and destiny. 

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde


  • Feed your passion

  • Put a smile on your face

  • Start moving forward - take a step

  • Be intentional

  • Reach out and encourage someone else to step into their destiny

  • Be yourself

Being yourself is about stepping into your uniqueness and not being afraid to express your individuality.  It is said that Winston Churchill gave the following speech to the graduates at Harrow School in 1941: “Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” God placed seeds of greatness in Jeremiah even before he was born. God knew the potential within Jeremiah to become the man God created him to be.  If He did that for Jeremiah, won’t He do the same for you?  Yes, He will!


We are feeding our destiny from the inside to the outside (thoughts = emotions = actions). What we FEED, GROWS.  Take time today to feed your DESTINY and watch what shows up tomorrow, and the next day and so on. Just like a farmer nurtures his crops, we too need to nurture our DESTINY.  This resonates with me as we come into the Spring season. I am awakening my garden and lawn by cleaning out the dead brush, fertilizing the lawn, and watering it.

DON’T LET YOUR SEEDS OF GREATNESS SPOIL - Have you ever shared your passion or dream with someone and they criticized it or "dumbed it down?" IT cosmetics creator, entrepreneur, speaker, and author Jamie Kern Lima had many opportunities to let her SEEDS of GREATNESS spoil by the rejection she received when looking for investors to help bring her makeup line to fruition. “Kern Lima remembers one male investor told her that he didn’t believe women would buy makeup from someone who looked like her, “with her body and weight. 'That one hurt. I went to the car and cried.' QVC declined to sell IT Cosmetics for three years and Sephora said no for six years. Today both sell the brand. Learning how to not take rejection personally, it’s so critical.” How do you move on from those who try to SPOIL your Seeds of Greatness?

THIS I KNOW We all have a DESTINY of GREATNESS…TODAY. The seeds of GREATNESS will show up differently for each person. Missed opportunities do not mean there are no more options. You can learn from past mistakes and grow from them. In fact, I’ve found history to be a good teacher….just don’t get stuck in the past. When all else fails, try again. If nothing else, you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t work and can go from there.

🍏You may not realize in your lifetime the impact you will make on others. True? I look back on my life and the numerous people who provided me (by their influence) with life lessons through their words and actions (what to do and not to do). They made an impact on me.
🍏You are a person of influence because you have GREATNESS within you and a DESTINY to fulfill. GREATNESS here doesn’t mean you are better than everyone else or smarter than everyone else. It means your gifts and talents should be used for the good within you and around you in order to influence the space you step into each day (by your words and actions).
🍏Personally and professionally, we will never know the full impact we will have on others. Just like the seeds of an apple, the reward comes when you take those seeds of GREATNESS and nurture them so they can grow, multiply and impact others.  EXPECT a harvest from your SEEDS OF GREATNESS and fulfill your DESTINY.

Jeremiah 29:1 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”



Designing Your Best Day Ever!
