Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all,” Dale Carnegie


Mindset hacks are simple techniques you can use to change the pathways in your MINDSET at any given moment throughout the day. The reason they work is that they interrupt the negative thought patterns that we can get stuck in and they move us forward in a healthy way.  Have you ever been in the woods and discovered a trail?  If the trail has been walked on for a length of time, you will notice the groves in the path and the roots starting to show…so much so it may become difficult to walk it. You can stay on the worn path and possibly trip or start a new path. Your brain also has “paths” in it that have been traveled for years which is why it seems normal to struggle or think the daily negative, toxic or self-limiting thoughts….a MINDSET HACK can help rewire your brain.

For instance, have you ever told yourself “I am going to work out in the morning” and then the morning comes and you make an excuse not to?

You need a MINDSET HACK.  How can you hack the above from happening again? You create a plan and lay out your workout clothes the night before in an area you will see them first thing in the morning.

MINDSET HACK is the same.  Hack the negative from dominating your thoughts which will impact your emotions.  By creating a plan to stop the negative thoughts or bad habits, you start rewiring your brain!  Your thoughts go down a new path….productive, growth, empowering, and peaceful path.  Change your thoughts….change your emotions…change your actions…change your life.

Recently I had a client tell me about one of her MINDSET hacks.  Instead of going down the pity-party path, she stops it and starts celebrating.  She celebrates her wins, celebrates how far she has come and keeps on celebrating until her mood and emotions “get on board.”

Mindset hacks can be your friend and your secret tool to living a victorious life.  Why? If your mindset is healthy, then you will reap the fruit of it down the road.  It creates a win-win for you and those around you.


Have you ever said to someone (or thought it) “What were you thinking?”  “Why did you do that?” Chances are the person wasn’t thinking about their words or actions.  They may have been on “mindset autopilot” and went with the flow of their unhealthy, “this is the way I always do things,” non-growth mindset.  Mindset hacks have to be intentional in order to interrupt and change the negative thought patterns and bad habits we are stuck in. Think of your MINDSET as your car’s GPS system. You know what I mean… the GPS voice says “recalculating” when it is re-routing your travels.  Let’s RECALCULATE our MINDSET. How will you recalculate your MINDSET today? 

Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE because “I’m Possible”

FACT:  Did you know our brains are prone to look for and be impacted by anything negative due to a negative bias?  Dr. Rick Hansen said, “The brain is like Velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones.” Negative bias is our brains’ way of being on high alert for any form of danger, perceived or real. Just because it may be a scientific fact, doesn’t mean it has to be your TRUTH.

TRUTH:  You can REVERSE IT – Be intentional and make your MINDSET Velcro for healthy, productive, empowering thoughts and habits so they can manifest and generate feelings that match it. How can you reverse your MINDSET to be Velcro for a healthy- MINDSET and become Teflon for the opposite?


What does living your best life mean to you?  Is your MINDSET in alignment with the person you want to become and the life you want to achieve? MINDSET HACKS will help you, but first, you need to make sure your MINDSET is in alignment.  Are you in a healthy, non-toxic MINDSET?  Just like the tires and wheels on your car need to be in alignment for better and safe handling capability, your MINDSET needs to be in alignment.  Your MINDSET drives much of how you think, what you think of yourself, daily habits and what you can achieve.  Check the alignment of your MINDSET as you design and live out your best life ever!

MINDSET HACK – Practice Being Your Future Self …Today. Do you want to add more fun to your life?  Think about your future self.  Your current thinking is creating all of your results right now as you live your best life.  Start shifting your MINDSET to the thoughts you would have IF you already had the results you want for tomorrow (future).  This also starts creating your future MINDSET today.  Stir up the fun in your life by practicing today to be the person you want to be tomorrow!

MINDSET HACK – Q & A Your Mindset. Your brain is like a computer.  When you ask it questions, it goes to work to find the answers.  You know yourself better than anyone else so asking yourself questions is a tool to engage your MINDSET. You might think you don’t know or have the answers, but you do.  Your MINDSET is available to partner with you.  All we need to do is ask and be patient while the answers come forward. Your questions may vary depending on the situation and what you are feeling.  For instance, you may ask yourself…Why did I react that way? Why does that bother me? Why can’t I move forward? How can I be more productive? How can I show up as my best self?

MINDSET HACK – The 5-Second Rule. Is it time to rob your mindset? Since your brain is wired to stop you from doing things that are uncomfortable, uncertain, or scary you have 5 seconds to be intentional and rob it. When the negative thought or habit comes into your mindset, count backward…5, 4 3, 2, 1, and replace it with an opposite narrative or action. When you count backward, you break the unconscious habit or “loop” so you can change the narrative or action. Did you know that researchers have found that 40% of our mental and physical behaviors are routines hard-wired into the irrational part of our brain?

MINDSET HACK – Look in the rearview mirror. When you are tempted to think you are not where you should be, or not good enough… start playing your awesome movie.  Think about the successes you have experienced, the kind people in your life, how far you have come, etc.  Remind yourself of the good that has happened and how it has brought you to where you are today.  Nothing is too small or too big to not be recognized.  Do an inventory of the things you have created in your life.

MINDSET HACK – Drop the Comparison Game. This is huge.  With the impact of social media, we are constantly bombarded with someone else’s highlight reel that can make us feel like we are not good enough or can’t be as successful.  We compare ourselves with people we don’t even know. What we see on social media is only a snapshot of someone’s life. You don’t know what is going on behind the scenes. Since everyone else’s life journey and timeline are different, it is important to focus on your own progress and celebrate your own successes.

MINDSET HACK – Where your focus goes, energy flows.  If you want to achieve a goal, keep the end result in mind. This provides a space for your “focus” so you can stay motivated when things get tough or change. It is a great tool when you need to figure out what to do next in order to get to your end result.  Don’t forget to celebrate your wins along the way.

MINDSET HACK – Know your “WHY.”  Don’t follow someone else’s why, but your “why.”  What do you want to do and why?  Since there will always be those times of obstacles and setbacks along the way, knowing your “why” will get you through it. Even when you don’t know what to do next, your “why” will keep you moving regardless of what you don’t know at the moment.

THIS I KNOW – you CAN accomplish all that God has for you.  Don’t let fear, doubt, self-limiting beliefs, or people hold you back.  Being intentional with our MINDSET is a God thing.  Being intentional to have a healthy MINDSET is God’s plan. The Bible speaks to us about renewing our minds and taking our thoughts captive.  He wants us to have peace in our MINDSET, not fear, worry, doubt, or toxicity.

I love Philippians 1:6: “And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.”

Don’t give up on yourself…change your MINDSET and change your life.  You’ve got this.


There is Greatness Within You


Rise Up and Be Fearless!