Turn Your Life Transitions Into REINVENTIONS

“Your life is a story of transition. You are always leaving one chapter behind while moving on to the next.”


Life transitions come in all shapes and sizes….it is not a one-size-fits-all (which usually doesn’t even fit appropriately). Life transitions can be on the professional or personal side of your life. Professional transitions may be career changes, going back to school/work, new graduates deciding next steps, retirement, or navigating the corporate ladder. 

Personal life transitions can be divorce, standing up for yourself, evaluating the relationships around you, getting married, empty nester (I am so there!),  or just learning to say YES or NO to life.   The list is endless depending on where you are at in life.

 ●  Life transitions are an opportunity for reinvention.

●  It is an opportunity to get the authentic side of you.

●  You Are Not Alone….everyone is on this path!

Life transitions happen to all of us, whether someone admits to it or not.  So being patient with yourself when you are in this transition is so important.  Give yourself the grace and mercy to stumble along as you figure it all out.  Your life transition cannot be rushed, even if there is a self-imposed deadline.  Take the time to embrace this opportunity to grow in this new phase or chapter of your life. 

Change and life transitions are a constant part of life because they go hand in hand.  It is a blessing that most of us don’t appreciate or see. We have been given this privilege of forging into unknown territories without having all of the answers….which is not the norm, right? However, if we don’t embrace it, it can become stressful and overwhelming, and then we face the temptation to give up. Fear, anxiety, and stress can alter that lens of our life transition if we are not staying open to opportunities being presented before us.

What Does REINVENTION mean?

Reinventing yourself is a way to identify your patterns, values, thoughts, and outside actions or activities that no longer serve you.  It is a time to reflect and lean into new opportunities, develop new talents/skills within you, and grow as a person. Self-reinvention happens on the inside of us which shows up on the outside.  It may be a time to change from rage to peace, self-limiting beliefs to truth, anger to healing, and unforgiveness to forgiveness.  It is a beautiful way to give yourself permission to step into your authentic self in actions, thoughts, and behaviors.

REINVENTION VIDEO: Recently, I spoke with Laura Berman Fortgang (renowned speaker, TEDx speaker, author of several books, and business owner; go to https://lnkd.in/g-PJ5ib4) and we shared about REINVENTION and how we ALL can learn to turn life transitions into an opportunity to reinvent!


"CURIOSITY is the fuel for discovery, inquiry, and learning." As I lean into my own life's transitions (the newest is becoming an empty nester) and the opportunity to REINVENT myself, I would add the ingredient of CURIOSITY. It is like opening a door and being excited about what is on the other side of the door.  Curiosity takes the burden of “what you have to know” or “what you need to know” about the next steps.  It gives you permission to be free and have child-life faith about your future.  You don’t have to have it all figured out today…so stay curious.  Curiosity can open the door to things you never thought about or would have ever considered.  So stay curious….!

What about you....? What are you curious about today? What life transition(s) are you facing that are golden opportunities to REINVENT!

The Top of One Mountain is the Bottom of Another Mountain 

During our highs and lows we are being presented with the opportunity to reinvent ourselves, write the next chapter and walk it out. When you reach the top of the mountain in one chapter, you begin the journey to the top of the next one. It is all good, just be patient. If you were to climb Mount Everest, there are “camps” purposely stationed along the way. In fact, they say it takes overall about two months to climb this mountain. It is imperative for you to get acclimated to the oxygen levels at different heights and you have to trek up the slopes on foot. You can’t climb the mountain in one day. You are preparing along the way. Life transitions can be upon us in a moment, or you may have time to see it down the road. Either way, you CAN move into the stages of preparation, evaluation, writing out the chapter, and stepping into your REINVENTION in due time.  

Simple Steps for Navigating Life Transitions

Mindset Preparation – Prepare for the next chapter with flexibility. Prepare your mindset for today and be open to the rest. Lead with your growth mindset and your emotions will follow.

Set Small Goals – Your goal can be just to explore your new opportunities.  A goal may be to give yourself the freedom to not have all of the answers right now.

Relationships - Stay connected to people.  Just because you may not know the next steps doesn’t mean you are a failure and cannot share with others.  Be open to sharing. Ask for advice and see what sticks.

Grace – Life transitions take time to figure out.  Give yourself time and grace. Practice self-compassion.

Be Grateful – During my life transitions / REINVENTIONS, I have tried really hard to be grateful for all of the experiences and lessons learned. They have formed and shaped me to become a better version of myself.


  • Your Life Transition / Reinvention is not a threat but an opportunity for new things.

  • Look in the rearview mirror. Your past holds precious keys you can use to navigate this new transition.  

  • Reflect as you reinvent. Use this time of reinvention to reflect on how far you have come and where you are going. 

  • Change is constant. Without change, our life would be very dull. You may not be seeking change, but when it seeks you, lean into it. 

THIS MUCH I KNOW - As you move through your life transitions and use them as an opportunity for REINVENTION… remember these golden nuggets:

Stay true to your authentic self

Develop personal core values to guide you in your life transitions

Life transitions are seasons of planting and reaping so stay true to the moment you are in

Stay curious and flexible

Choose to enjoy the process…..don’t fight it

Remember not everyone will be with you on this path called life transition / REINVENTION and that is okay. You are not alone!



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