The Power of Your WORDS!

"The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words." -Unknown


I love WORDS…this love started while I was working on my journalism degree years ago and continues to grow as I speak at conferences, author articles, and weekly blogs. Do you remember a time when someone said something to you (a parent, mentor, boss, or teacher) that made a huge life-changing impact on you? WORDS! Years later you may have told that person “When you said this to me, it changed my life.” WORDS!  Was there a time when someone reminded you of something you shared with them that changed their life or made an impact?  WORDS!

I am sure we can also remember those times when WORDS were spoken that touched us in a negative way to our core. I know I have been guilty of speaking those negative words…it is hard to take them back.   

The spoken WORD carries so much weight that we don’t need to use many to impact others. Since we don’t know someone’s story, let’s be intentional with our WORDS and how we thread them together. (I am preaching to myself!)

“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” ―Rumi

❓How do you choose your words? 


 As a kid (or an adult) were you ever excited to see magic acts that kept you on the edge of your seat?  You were amazed how something could appear out of nothing. And, you may have even heard the magician say the word “ABRACADABRA!!” ABRACADABRA is derived from an Aramaic phrase that means “I create as I speak” and in the Hebrew language it translates into “It came to pass as it was spoken.” WORDS create!

ABRACADABRA - WORDS create inspiration, awe, hope, faith, strategy, expectations, and a future. WORDS can resonate for a very long time! WORDS can be the very reason someone else feels seen, heard, welcomed, valued, supported, validated, self-worth, and respected. Words impact the speaker and the hearer. 

If God can create the world with the spoken word, so can we.  They may not manifest in an instant, (God’s timing and our timing are completely different) but they can manifest over time.  Our WORDS manifest by moving us toward our purpose, passion, and our calling.  Or they can direct us away from it. 

If you blew it with your WORDS yesterday or even 5 minutes ago, you could change it at this moment and start fresh.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21)


CHECK THIS OUT… Zig Ziglar, we know him as the “pioneer of motivational speaking.” His goal was to motivate people so they can become better. He also understood that his words had power and took it very seriously that people were listening to him.

Did you know that Zig selected each word carefully and enunciated them with precision? Even after decades of experience speaking, he went to great lengths to study THREE to FOUR HOURS before each of his “talks” (what he liked to call his speeches) because, to him, WORDS mattered!

What words do you choose to focus your energy on?  Take inventory of the words you speak about yourself, your life, and your future.  What words are you speaking?  What do you hear yourself saying about YOURSELF?  Take time to refocus those thoughts and words to BENEFIT you, not tear yourself down or beat yourself up. 


Have you ever used the filter system in Outlook that lets you automatically move emails with certain words (that you pick) in the subject line to a designated folder so you can weed them out of your email inbox without seeing them?

Anchor WORDS/THOUGHTS can act in the same way. The minute your MINDSET becomes bombarded with worry, fear, anxiety, stress, toxic thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, etc., you can have a plan. Tell yourself ahead of time "when negativity comes into my MINDSET, I will use my ANCHOR WORDS/THOUGHTS such as: “Rest” “I can do this” “Be intentional” “I am strong” “Peace” or I will meditate on a place, sound, or memory that makes me happy."

Over time your new ANCHOR WORDS/THOUGHTS replace (removed from your MINDSET inbox) the previous ones that were hard-wired into your brain. They snuff out limiting beliefs from growing into worry, fear, and anxiety.

Your new ANCHOR WORDS/THOUGHTS will keep you anchored so you can focus on the moment! Anchor away!

Did you know that by putting those ANCHOR WORDS / THOUGHTS into place can help you rewire your brain? Research states that on average it may take about 66 days to form new and sustainable habits (some studies state less than a month). Your negative thoughts are bad habits just like any other, and the best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. ANCHOR WORDS/THOUGHTS help keep you grounded. They can bring you back from the past and into the here and now.

What will you Anchor today?

Stephanie Maat, President

Courageous Living, LLC


ABRACADABRA -  Since we move in the direction of our most dominant thought, I  believe we also move in the direction of our most dominant words!

Are the words you speak about your life pushing you toward your purpose, or pulling you further away from it? Start now and resolve today to start speaking words that are edifying rather than destructive over you and your loved ones….or over anyone!  Your WORDS bring life to those it is spoken to, including you.

Your WORDS give you your voice!


You Deserve To Enjoy Your Journey!


Get Creative With Your MINDSET